Scope and topics
The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics covered during the MEPE conference:
Power System Engineering: |
Electrical Machines and Power Electronics: |
Material Science and Engineering: |
Automotive Engineering: |
Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering:
Special sessions
Special sessins will be organized by renowned scientists in their respective fields. Papers submitted to these sessions are reviewed according to the same criteria as the submissions to the regular sessions. Submissions to regular and special sessions follow identical format, instructions, deadlines and procedures.
MEPE 2024 technical program will highlight a series of Special Sessions to complement the regular program with emerging topics of particular interest to the image-processing community.
Prospective organizers of Special Sessions should submit proposals with the following information:
- A title for the Special Session and the names of the organizers;
- Brief biographies of the session organizer(s) and their contact information;
- A brief description of the session (max 250 words), indicating the novelty of the topic and possible interdisciplinary flavor;
- List of six (6) contributed papers (including titles, authors, contact information of the corresponding author, and a short abstract). Upon acceptance of the special session proposal, the contributed papers will be submitted in the same format as regular papers. Organizers should not contribute more than one paper.
Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic as well as the qualifications of the organizers and authors of the contributed papers.
The papers in each accepted Special Session will undergo a review process, similar to the regular papers. It is the responsibility of the organizers to ensure that their Special Session papers meet MEPE-quality standards. In case a paper in a Special Session does not meet the expected quality, it will be rejected and an effort will be made to draw papers from the regular submission process to fill in the gap. If too many papers for a given Special Session are not accepted in the review process and we are unable to find suitable substitutes from the regular review pool, the Special Session may be canceled.
Any further inquiries should be sent to:
Talks and posters
Accepted papers are presented either as talks or posters. Authors may indicate their preference at submission. All poster presentations are coupled to several minutes spotlight oral presentation during a plenary session. In addition poster presentations increase the interaction with participants.
There is no difference in scientific quality between talks and posters. The reviewing and selection processes are identical. In addition all full papers are published in the same way in the proceedings, regardless of the mode of presentation.