Program at A Glance
The program at a glance below is just for reference and subject to adjustment. Participants should refer to the detailed schedule and arrange your time properly.
Day 1 - December 27, 2025 |
10:00 am-5:00 pm | Sign- in and Materials Collection
The first day is all about registration, participants are supposed to sign in at the conference venue and collect all the conference materiails at the registration counter on this day. However, the registration is still open on the 2nd and 3rd day of the conference.
Day 2 - December 28, 2025 |
8:30 am-12:00 pm | Opening Ceremony, conference chair, and program chair & Keynote Speeches
The conference co-chair will host a opening ceremony in the morning, and all the participants are supposed to be there, then there will be a photo session for all the participants to take a group photo. During the morning keynote session, the invited keynote speakers will deliver their spectacular speeches and share their cutting-edge research fruits with the participants.
12:00 pm-1:30 pm | Conference Lunch
Please bring the lunch coupon/会议午餐
1:30 pm-7:00 pm | Parallel Sessions (Authors' Presentation)
7:00 pm-9:00 pm | Banquet & Award Ceremony
Day 3 - December 29, 2025 |
9:00 am-17:00 pm | One day tour丨If there is no registration, it will be cancelled
*Badge Policy!! Access to all MEPE activities will be allowed only to people wearing MEPE 2025 badges. Our policy is not to reprint badges or replace lost badges. If you lose your badge, you will be able to purchase a new registration at the current on-site rates. Considering the personal and property security of all MEPE attendees, please keep track of your badge and make sure you bring it each day, and do not borrow to any others or take others into conference area. If you don’t need the badge any more, please return it back to our registration desk.
*只有佩戴MEPE 2025代表证的与会人员才可参加MEPE安排的所有活动。考虑到所有MEPE与会者的人身和财产安全,请保管好您的代表证,并确保每天随身携带,不要借给他人或带他人进入会场。如果您不再需要此代表证,请将其交回我们的报到处